Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Answer is No

On March 26, the Supreme Court began three hearings they will have over the debate of Obama’s health care plan. This debate has already been going on for quite some time and it appears as if people are getting more and more against it every time it is brought up. What is the point of the health care plan? Well, Obama had the idea to bring upon the idea of contraceptives for women to be a required part of health insurance. Apparently, the religious backgrounds and religious rights of women did not play a part in Obama’s determination to make this happen.
            Many women have already claimed an argument about this plan. Not only does it affect the personal lives of women; you can’t forget that this affects government’s money and also all the health insurance companies. This law would make government spend the money enforcing the law first of all, then spending money on providing it to the women who took advantage of it. Did we forget that Plan Parenthood has free contraceptives for women who walk in and get it? Plan Parenthood does not create this big of a mess with their birth control (compared to Obama’s plan) because they do not force it upon anyone. But what do you know, Obama wants all control! I do not feel that contraceptives should be included in any type of Medicare plan, simply because that is a decision women should have the ability to make for themselves. Catholic women obviously for many reasons do not stand for this law to be passed, because it is an intolerable act in their eyes, due to their strict religious beliefs.
            Government will have a fallout either way this law goes, I believe. I believe it is already such a big deal that no matter what happens, someone is going to raise hell about the turnout either way. Government should focus on more important matters rather than stepping on toes of women & religion. That is how I look at it. If you want birth control, go to a Plan Parenthood and get it. It should not be a part of government. Also, I feel as if the law were passed, it would hurt Obama more than help him with the upcoming election, considering it appears more of the citizens in America are against it rather than for it. He can keep trying, and the Supreme Court can continue having hearings, but in my opinion…. No.

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