Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Equality: Let People Be Happy

As a straight, nineteen year old lady living in Texas, I support gay marriage. The legislature is at it’s peak right now at the Capitol here in Austin, Texas. Yesterday, my Facebook was blown up with posts about equality and people’s opinions on how gay marriage should be voted legal in Texas.
 The Human Rights Campaign is doing all it can to spread the word about their gay marriage act, some of the ways being wearing all red to support the act, using the hashtag #Unitedformarriage on Twitters, campaigns, etc. They firmly believe that anyone should be able to marry anyone they desire to- regardless of the sex of those two people.
 It is all based on equality, and I support this act 100%. Who will it REALLY affect if two women or two men become legally married to each other here in Texas? This topic steps on toes of certain religions and I understand that there would definitely be some upset Christian Texans if this law were to be passed. But so what? They may cry about it for a few days and then move on to the next thing to worry about. 
Governor Rick Perry made his opinion clear that he believes marriage should only be between one man and one woman. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and realize that those are traditional values for some older folks. But this is 2013, where so many things have already changed in the state of Texas, and I don’t see gay marriage being the end all, be all. It WILL be okay if gays or lesbians marry each other. Hillary Clinton is on that side of the opinion. She supports gay marriage, and the Human Rights Campaign set up a site where you can personally sign a “Thank You” to send to her for her input. I think that is significant in this debate.
Texas is not the only state going through this right now. Many other states are pushing for this act to be successful. Senator Kay Hagan of North Caroline infamously stated that, “We should not tell people who they can love or who they can marry.” With this act being pushed all over the nation…I do not see it coming to an end anytime soon if it were to fail this year.   I’m sure this will be a debate UNTIL it is finally passed. The Texas Constitution, as well as the U.S. Constitution, state that we are all equal. Really? How is this ensuring equality to everyone? Come on…It’s not that big of a deal! Let people be happy!

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